Thursday, 4 July 2013

Game Instructions

Join / Like the Facebook Page - Criminal Case - Tips, Tricks & Cheats for ENERGY REFILLS

Game Play Tips

  1. Minimize the use of Hints from friends. Instead use the hints provided in this blog and our FB Page.
  2. DO NOT randomly click in the Scene. Try to be precise and Click on the items as this gives a Multiplying effect on the points. 
  3. Once you get 5 stars in a scene, Use it to gain 20 xp which will help in quickly increasing the level and getting the 110 energy back. USE ONLY When the level up bar is almost full. Otherwise you are hindering your chances of moving ahead.
  4. Use Energy Refills only when you have Full hint bonus friends remaining. This will improve scoring.


  1. 20 Energy consumed for every round you play.
  2. Energy refills every 3min 20secs
  3. Total Energy = 110. Takes 6hrs 6mins 20secs to refill completely
  4. Play every 6hrs for the quickest results.
  5. Orange Juice = 20 Energy
  6. Potato Chips = 50 Energy
  7. Burger = 100 Energy
  8. On increase of level, Share the post, so that friends can get the Orange Juice and You can get a Card in return.
  9. On promotion, Share the post to give friends Potato Chips and get a card in return.
  10. Copy the post link and paste in our Facebook Page. More people get orange juice / potato chips and YOU GET MORE CARDS.
  11. Create new friends from our FB Page to get Full hint bonus whenever you play.
  12. The game offers advantage of daily collecting 3 Orange Juices(20 energy) and 1 Patato Chips(50energy) from your friends Time line.

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