Saturday, 6 July 2013

Case No -1 - The Death of a Rosa Wolf

  • VICTIM: Rosa Wolf
  • WEAPON: Knife
  • KILLER: Matt Barry
  • SUSPECTS: Ash Bison and Matt Barry


Scene 1 - Roadside

Item List
  1. Kite
  2. Scarf
  3. Satellite Dish
  4. Cherise
  5. Baby Shoe
  6. Hair band
  7. Wind chime
  8. Crow
  9. Helmet
  10. Moon
  11. Ring
  12. Ladybug
  13. Santa
  14. Key
  15. Belt
  16. Bell
  17. Bottle
  18. Knife
  19. Toy Soldier
  20. Teddy Bear
  21. Newspaper
  22. Rainbow
  23. Leaf
  24. Camera
  25. Dead Flower
  26. Fur
  27. Traffic Cone
  28. Plane
  29. Caution
  30. Mail Box
  31. Soda Can
  32. Oil Stain
  33. Ladder
  34. Helo
  35. Axe
  36. Pumpkin
  37. Umbrella
  38. Car
  39. Cow
  40. Donut
  41. Clock 
  42. Horn
  43. Satellite Dish
  44. Cap
  45. Skipping Rope
  46. Hair band
  47. Neck less
  48. Victims Body
  49. Cigarette
  50. Player
  51. Tire Track
  52. Snail
  53. Fly Watchers
  54. Tricycle
  55. Tie
  56. Key
  57. Cherries
  58. Gloves
  59. Bandage
  60. Bell

Scene 2 - Wrecked House

Item List
  1. Satellite Dish
  2. Canoe
  3. Screw Driver
  4. Puma
  5. Whether Vane
  6. Bazooka
  7. Kite
  8. T Shirt
  9. Baby Shoe
  10. Crow
  11. Squirell
  12. Hat
  13. Cow
  14. Cockroach
  15. Maple Leaf
  16. Bucket
  17. Flash Light
  18. Plane
  19. Foot Print
  20. Skate Board
  21. Doormat
  22. Dollar
  23. Teady
  24. Mailbox
  25. Horse Shoe
  26. Bell
  27. Syringe
  28. Rat
  29. TIn Can
  30. Match Box
  31. Watermelon
  32. Apple
  33. Traffic Cone
  34. Umbrella
  35. Cap
  36. Belt
  37. Axe
  38. Indian Chef's Hat
  39. Horse
  40. Bottle
  41. Barrel
  42. Pin Wheel
  43. Spider
  44. Spider Web
  45. Screw Driver
  46. Butterfly
  47. Tin can
  48. bucket
  49. Chair
  50. Pan
  51. Gutter
  52. Horn
  53. Animal Skull
  54. Riffle
  55. Watermelon
  56. Doormat
  57. Foot Print
  58. Maple Leaf
  59. Skull
  60. Clock


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